Sürer, eker, biçeriz güvenip ötesine. Milletin her kazancı, milletin kesesine. Toplandık baş çiftçinin Atatürk'ün sesine Toprakla savaş için ziraat cephesine. Biz ulusal varlığın temeliyiz, köküyüz. Biz yurdun öz sahibi, efendisi, köylüyüz.

29 Mayıs 2023 Pazartesi


This model has been shown as an example for developing countries by UNESCO. Village Institutes started to be opened in 1937 in order to train “teachers for the village and other professionals useful to the village” as the torches of enlightenment in Anatolia. At the time the Village Institutes were established, Turkey was a country with a low level of education, weak industry, and 80 percent of its population lived in villages. In those years, the literacy level in the country was around 25 percent.

Village Institutes was a project to wake up the people of Anatolia who were devastated, burned and burned, and the Anatolian people struggling with poverty and ignorance, and to create a civilized Turkey. Students; He was learning, applying what he learned and producing.

In this period, after the village children were educated, they were sent back to their villages as teachers in the fields of agriculture, arts, crafts and health. The main purpose of the Village Institutes was to develop the rural area, to train the villagers and to make the trainers and villagers productive.

We plough, sow, reap, trust and beyond
Every profit of the nation is in the pocket of the nation,
We gathered to the voice of the original farmer Atatürk,
War with the soil to the agricultural front.
We are the foundation, the root of national existence,
We are the homeland's own owner and the master is the peasant.

What makes man human, first of all, is this lineage, this land.
Working sincerely with the latest tools,
To set an example to the near world for the Turkish,
Head fresh, hand calloused, peace of mind, clear forehead.
We are the foundation, the root of national existence.
We are the homeland's own owner, master and peasant.

We will establish in our own homeland, peace and order.
Breaking down barriers, national sovereignty
Let the villages see abundance, comfort and festivity.
It is our invincible Turkish self.
We are the foundation, the root of national existence.
We are the homeland's own owner, master and peasant.

17 Mayıs 2023 Çarşamba

“ZİRAAT MARŞI” / Toplandık baş çiftçinin Atatürk'ün sesine, Toprakla savaş için ziraat cephesine

Güfte: Behçet Kemal ÇAĞLAR,
Beste: Ahmet Adnan SAYGUN
"Köy ve Ziraat kalkınma işi, köylü ve çiftçi ile elele başarılması gereken büyük milli iştir. Bu davayı ve bu azmi yaymak için Atatürkün muhtelif tarihlerdeki vecizeleri bir araya getirilerek güfte ve bestesinin tespiti işi, Behçet Kemal Çağlar ve A. Adnan Sayğın'dan rica edilmiş ve her ikisi, ilk defa Cumhuriyetin 15 inci yılında Ankarada Atatürkün heykeli Önünde Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüleri talebeleri tarafından söylenen ve bilâhare Ziraat Vekâleti adına Radyoda yapılan konuş malar sonunda da tekrar edilmiş bulunan besteyi ve metni vücude getirerek bunu, Türk köylüsü adına ithaf etmişlerdir."